Sunday, March 22, 2015

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

The Chestnut-backed Chickadee is not as commonly seen in my backyard as the Black-capped, so it is a welcomed visitor. Beautiful little fellas!


House Finch

Gotta love house finches. So pretty, These are a mated pair feeding at the backyard feeder. Probably passing through, but who knows? They didn't respond to my questions...

Song Sparrow

For the last three years we've had the same male song sparrow in our backyard. Our yard was part of his territory. But he was chased off by an especially aggressive male white-crowned sparrow this past summer. Now, we have a new song sparrow singing his heart out from perches around both our front and back yards. He sings slightly different than the song sparrow before him, though still very much a song-sparrow style. 



Pine Siskin

Yeah for spring! A small flock of Pine Siskins were visiting the backyard feeder. Pretty little things, albeit understated for a cousin of the American Goldfinch.