Sunday, May 25, 2014

House Sparrow

I actually loath House Sparrows, but if you're going to have a backyard feeder, you'll have to put up with this ubiquitous and enduring species. This a mature female.

White Lady Slipper Orchid

This is a native orchid species that I discovered three years back growing among my front flower garden. The first couple years the plant put out a single blossom. It must be quite happy where it is, as this year it has put out three blossoms. I believe it is a Mountain Lady Slipper. Quite beautiful.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

More Rufous Hummingbird

Obviously a nectar feeder is a no-brainer to attract hummers. And they're bold, hence easy to photograph.


Rufous Hummingbird Female

Hard to pass up a free meal!


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Calliope Hummingbird

Here are some sweet shots of a beautiful male. Pictures are a bit dark -- I'm still trying to get my f-stop, ISO, and other variables under control. But I'm getting there! If you didn't know it, the Calliope is the smallest bird in North America, save for a species of hummer in Cuba.

Brown-headed Cowbirds

I caught these outlaws raiding the bird feeder.

Rufous Hummingbird

Captured a shot of this male near the nectar feeder. The image is a bit grainy, but I am still learning how to master the capture of rapidly moving birds.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

White-crowned Sparrow

This fellow displaced the Song Sparrow that has been visiting my backyard for the past three years. He is a handsome fellow, though I admit his song can't quite compare to the Song Sparrow's. He appears to be of the Western Taiga race, aka Gambel's, as evidenced by the incomplete black stripe from the eye to the lores.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dark-Eyed Junco

Oregon subspecies. I have seen both the Oregon and the Slate-colored in my backyard. In addition, a mysterious one that I suspect might have been a Pink-sided, but, alas, I couldn't get 
photographic evidence.

American Robin

This male was surprisingly docile as I photographed him as he rested in a lilac tree in my backyard. 
(Click for a larger image)

House Finch

Here's a nice fellow perched on Norway Spruce. A fine voice, too.

Song Sparrow

This fella was singing near a beaver pond not far from my home. It was mid-April of 2014.
(Click for a larger image) 

Brewer's Blackbirds

Here is a breeding pair that appeared in my backyard in 
mid-April of 2014
(Click on any for a larger image)